Calvi Systems is building a network of ExxpertApps sales and implementation partners worldwide. This partner network combine our mission and values with their local knowledge and experience. Together we work to make our clients more competitive.
Business Partners
Would you like to become a partner?
Your benefits
The business model is easy, we provide the software and you (as a partner) all the implementation and support services around ExxpertApps. Your revenue stream is made of:
Recurring licence revenue commissions
Full service revenue
(data migration, implementation, training)
Recurring support revenue commissions
Our partners have the direct client relationship and grow the relationship over time.
Your profile
We are looking for partners with the following capabilities and infrastructure:
Experience in the IT sector, specially in business applications (CRM, Office, etc.)
With sales and implementation staff
With a network of target clients(from small to large)
Certified ExxpertApps Partners
North America
Latin America
Crescienta LLC
Distribution Partner for the Americas
Benny Sterental - benny.sterental@exxpertapps.com
Mobile: +1.786.547.5547 - Skype: benny.sterental​
Flavio Calonge - flavio.calonge@exxpertapps.com
Mobile: +1-954-401-0761 - Skype: flavio.calonge
Dominican Republic
Victor Arteaga - victor.arteaga@exxpertapps.com
Mobile: +(511) 999 592 192
Luis Colareta - luis.colareta@exxpertapps.com
Mobile: +(511) 956 385 286
Web: www.rois.com
Xperta Gestión Empresarial
César Gamarra
Phone: +(511) 7174377