Cloud Computing
Managing services with economy and flexibility
Cloud Computing may be applied in three levels depending on the services offered:
IaaS - Infrastructure as a Service are basic services related to computer infrastructure made up of servers, storage, connections, etc.
PaaS - Platform as a Service are intermediate services related to the computing platform that require business applications. These services consist on access to conventional operative systems, development settings, content management settings, etc.
SaaS - Software as a Service are upper level services that provide access to computer applications for end users (office automation programmes) or for companies (client management systems).
Cloud Computing introduces new concepts to all levels of the business model. Purchase is based on service contracting and payment on service use. You access through the net. Service is provided from one place to several clients with high scalability capacity. Flexibility is precisely the differential factor of cloud computing that can scale and reduce your system in record time.
As a summary Cloud Computing:
Is net executed technology.
Is a service model not a new technology. You do not purchase anything, you pay as you use.
Offers scalable services with multiuser architecture.
The more standard the better and easier to use. Reutilizes software full scale.
Examples: Google, Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Social Networks (Facebook, Hi5, Picasa, Flicker... You do not need servers, storage, equipment or updates to use… with Cloud you only start the session.
Cloud Computing offers a new business and technology service model that allows user access to standard "cloud based" services (Internet).
Although most people may not know it, the cloud has been there for a long time and we all use it when we access e-mail or transfer money and save photographs. All those activities are Cloud Computing. What’s new now is that it is applicable to business management.
It is a highly scalable platform that offers service to many users from a single place in The Net. Cloud Computing offers instant access to all kinds of shared hardware or software resources.